Tinyman 2023 Recap and 2024 Roadmap: Tiny Token, Governance, Cross-Chain, CEX Listings and More!

7 min readJan 19, 2024


Hi, AlgoFam! Join us as we delve into Tinyman’s remarkable journey in 2023 and ambitious roadmap for 2024. In this article, we’ll explore our growth, accomplishments, and innovative plans that are paving the way for the decentralized future.


A Year of Progress and Innovation

In 2023, Tinyman ventured on a transformative journey within the DeFi space, a year of substantial growth and heightened community engagement. This journey was initiated with the launch of Tinyman V2, which brought advanced and efficient DeFi tools to both our users and the broader Algorand ecosystem.

Throughout the year, Tinyman’s momentum continued by introducing cutting-edge features like the Swap Router and the Swap Widget, each designed to improve user engagement and trading efficiency further. In addition, our efforts in developing and promoting the Tealish language — a key initiative to simplify smart contract development — demonstrated our dedication to ecosystem growth.

Strategic partnerships played a pivotal role in expanding our reach and capabilities, firmly establishing Tinyman as a frontrunner in the DeFi space and laying the foundation for continued innovation. Our active participation in the Algorand Foundation’s Targeted DeFi Rewards Program further empowered the Algorand community, fostering stronger engagement and deeper liquidity (TVL).

Key Achievements

  • Robust User Engagement: The platform saw over 54,500 unique swappers and 8.6 million swaps🔥
  • 💰Trading Volume: Tinyman recorded a substantial trading volume of $183 million. Notably, the ALGO/USDC pair alone boasted over 1 million transactions, contributing around $110 million to this volume.
  • Leading ASA-ASA Trade Coverage: Tinyman led the way in ASA-ASA trades within the Algorand Network, accounting for more than 60% of these transactions. It’s also worth noting that Tinyman offers the deepest pools for over 90% of ASAs, demonstrating comprehensive coverage of ASA-ALGO trading pairs.
  • Targeted DeFi Rewards Programs: Our active involvement in Algorand Foundation’s TDR initiative helped distribute significant 6,000,000🔥 $ALGO rewards, enhancing the ecosystem’s liquidity and user participation.

Key Developments

  • AMM V2: AMM V2 introduces innovative features like adjustable fee settings and the capability for flash loans, enhancing the platform’s functionality. AMM V2 stands out for its audited, permissionless nature, upholding the highest transparency and user experience standards.
  • Tealish: Tealish is a significant step in making smart contract development accessible and user-friendly within the Algorand ecosystem. Designed to simplify the complexity of smart contract coding, Tealish opens up opportunities for a broader range of developers, including those who may not be deeply experienced in blockchain technology.
  • Swap Router and Widget: The Swap Widget and Swap Router are key innovations from Tinyman that enhance trading experiences on Algorand. The Swap Widget easily integrates trading features into various platforms, simplifying access to DeFi markets. Concurrently, the Swap Router optimizes trades by identifying the most favorable routes, ensuring users get the best rates available.
  • Bridges and More: Expanding our capabilities in cross-chain interoperability, Tinyman has successfully established bridges through strategic partnerships with Pnetwork, Messina, Wormhole, Equito Finance, and Algomint. Notably, this expansion includes integrating WBNB and adding significant liquidity pools for assets like $WLINK, $SOL, $WAVAX, $WBTC, and $WETH, as well as the $PEPE token.
  • Partnerships: Besides our cross-chain bridge initiatives, Tinyman forged numerous new partnerships throughout the year, significantly enhancing our DeFi offerings.
  • UX and Analytics Improvements: In 2023, Tinyman improved its platform’s user experience (UX) and analytics capabilities. These improvements focused on creating a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring that both new and experienced users could easily navigate and utilize the platform.
  • Open Sourcing: Tinyman has not only made its AMM V2 Smart Contracts accessible but has also open-sourced its Software Development Kits (SDKs), including the Python SDK and JavaScript SDK.

Looking Ahead: 2024 Roadmap

As we enter 2024, Tinyman is poised to ignite a transformative era in the Algorand ecosystem, making it the most exciting year since our inception. We are on the verge of revolutionizing decentralized governance and cross-chain functionalities, driven by our vision to unify and empower the Algorand community. This year, Tinyman is set to be a catalyst for exceptional growth and innovation.


Tiny Token: A Catalyst for Community-Led Governance and Algorand’s Growth

The upcoming launch of the Tiny Token is a crucial milestone set to empower our community and act as a catalyst for Algorand’s growth. This token will enable substantial community involvement in guiding the platform’s future.

A Sneak Peek at the Future with Our Governance Model

Over the past year, the Tinyman team has dedicated itself to the development of our governance model. As we move closer to our vision of a decentralized and autonomous platform, we’re committed to exemplifying excellence in the DeFi space.🌟

In our enhanced governance model, the introduction of the TINY Token Lock is a key feature. By locking their TINY tokens, users officially become Governors, gaining a more influential role in the platform’s governance.

  • Longer Commitments, More Power: The longer a user locks their TINY tokens, the more TINY Power they accumulate. This system is designed to reward long-term commitment and investment in the platform’s governance.
  • Reward Multiplier and Voting Power: A significant benefit of accumulating more TINY Power is the enhanced multipliers for Tinyman Governance rewards, $TINY Staking Proposals, and increased Voting Power on Tinyman Governance.
  • Governance Rewards: Earning Governance Rewards is an exclusive benefit for users who become Governors. This role not only enables them to shape key decisions but also aligns their interests with the platform’s future. Governance Rewards are determined by each Governor’s accumulated Tiny Power, which is gained through locking TINY tokens.
  • $TINY Staking Proposals: Governors will have the power to vote on the distribution of TINY Tokens across various liquidity pools on Tinyman. This voting mechanism empowers Governors to direct rewards to specific pools, incentivizing participation and investment in areas they believe are most beneficial for them and the platform’s growth.
  • Strategic Engagement by Ecosystem Projects: We also anticipate an active strategic approach from various projects within the ecosystem. These projects are expected to devise their strategies and campaigns to enhance their LP rewards, utilizing their involvement in the governance system.
  • Treasury Management: Aligning with the governance model, our decentralized treasury management system will ensure the platform’s long-term financial health and supports the initiatives and decisions made by our Governors.
  • Governance Forum: Set to launch in late February 2024, the Governance Forum is a dedicated platform for community discussions, proposals, and decision-making, fostering a democratic and inclusive environment. It’s a space where the community’s voice can truly shape Tinyman’s future.

Among these, did someone say ‘airdrops’? Yes, we’re planning strategic airdrops! 👀, designed to spark excitement and show appreciation to our loyal community members.💚 As well, the liquidity mining programs will incentivize active participation, fostering a vibrant and interactive ecosystem.

Tinyman Governance

Expanding Horizons with Cross-Chain Initiatives 👀

In 2024, We’re planning to elevate our platform’s capabilities and expand into cross-chain initiatives, including cross-chain swaps.🚀 Our primary objective is to attract users from other blockchains to Algorand, further enhancing the platform’s liquidity. This strategic move leverages Algorand’s robust technology and Tinyman’s established excellence to offer our users an enriched selection of assets and expanded trading opportunities. By positioning ourselves as a bridge between multiple blockchain networks, we aim to bolster Algorand’s appeal and foster its growth within the broader crypto community.


Centralized Exchange (CEX) Partnerships

Parallel to our cross-chain steps, Tinyman actively engages in discussions with several centralized exchanges (CEX) for potential listings. We’re aiming to provide an accessible entry to the Tinyman ecosystem, enhancing the synergy with our decentralized platform offerings. This strategic move is designed to acquire a broader range of users, catering to both seasoned crypto traders and newcomers.

More Pools and Bridged Assets

In 2024, Tinyman is set to broaden its horizons with a wider array of pools and bridged assets, taking our users’ trading experience to new heights. We aim to create an inviting and comprehensive space for diverse investors and traders. With assets bridged from multiple blockchain networks, we’re enriching the mix of trading pairs and deepening our market’s liquidity.

Security and Audit

At Tinyman, security is paramount. We’ve completed comprehensive audits of our contracts, ensuring a secure and trustworthy platform for our users. Currently, we are focusing on auditing our governance contracts and the Tiny Token, collaborating with a renowned firm in the industry. Once all audits are finalized, we will share the reports, reinforcing our dedication to transparency and security. As always, Tinyman has advocated open participation, and just like the Tinyman AMM contracts, the Governance contracts will be permissionless and open source.

Conclusion: Building a Decentralized Future

As we reflect on Tinyman’s journey through 2023 and look towards an exciting 2024, we want to sincerely thank the Algorand community for their tireless support and engagement. Stay tuned for the exciting innovations we have in store for the coming year.

Your thoughts and feedback are always welcome, as they are crucial in guiding our path forward. Find us on our community channels:

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Tinyman is a re-imagined decentralized trading protocol that utilizes the fast and secure framework of the Algorand blockchain